The symbolic language paradigm of Mathematica takes the concept of variables and functions to a new level. In Mathematica a variable can not only stand for a value, but can ...
OutputResponse[sys, u, t] gives the output response of a TransferFunctionModel or StateSpaceModel object sys to the input u as a function of time t.OutputResponse[sys, u, {t, ...
ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[] represents a reverse biorthogonal spline wavelet of order 4 and dual order 2.ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n, m] represents a reverse ...
ShadowBorder is an option for ShadowBox, which specifies the style of the border around the rectangle above a shadow.
Mathematica's symbolic architecture supports a highly generalized notion of assignment, in which you can specify a transformation for any class of expressions defined by a ...
$DisplayFunction gives the default setting for the option DisplayFunction in graphics functions.
StateResponse[ss, u, t] gives the state response of the StateSpaceModel object ss to the input u as a function of time t.StateResponse[ss, u, {t, t_min, t_max}] gives the ...
MinimumBandwidthOrdering[g] attempts to find a vertex ordering that minimizes the bandwidth of the undirected graph g.MinimumBandwidthOrdering[m] attempts to find row and ...
Power series are in many ways the algebraic analog of limited-precision numbers. Mathematica can generate series approximations to virtually any combination of built-in ...
Mathematica has the most extensive collection of mathematical functions ever assembled. Often relying on original results and algorithms developed at Wolfram Research over ...