int MLPutNext (MLINK link, int type) prepares to put an object of the specified type on link.
int MLPutType (MLINK link, int type) prepares link to put an object of the specified type.
int MLPutUTF16String (MLINK link, const unsigned short *s, int len) puts a UTF-16 string s of length len to the MathLink connection specified by link.
int MLPutFunction (MLINK link, const char *s, int n) puts a function with head given by a symbol with name s and with n arguments to the MathLink connection specified by link.
int MLBytesToGet (MLINK link, int *n) calculates the number of bytes left to read in the textual representation of the current data and stores the result in n.
void MLClose (MLINK link) closes a MathLink connection.
int MLEvaluate (MLINK link, char*string) sends a string of input suitable for use with ToExpression[] to Mathematica for evaluation.
int MLFlush (MLINK link) flushes out any buffers containing data waiting to be sent on link.