Computable Document Format (CDF) files supply a rich deployment method leveraging the power and flexibility of the Mathematica language with the wide distribution provided by ...
Vectors and matrices in Mathematica are simply represented by lists and by lists of lists, respectively. The representation of vectors and matrices by lists. This is a 2×2 ...
Mathematica lets you determine the final rendered color of a 3D surface using simulated lighting, reflection, and glow. With the Glow option, you can color a 3D surface ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Full is a setting used for certain options, typically indicating that a full range of values should be included.
Making lists from functions. This makes a list of 5 elements, each of the form p[i]. Here is another way to produce the same list.
ListVectorPlot3D[array] generates a 3D vector plot from a 3D array of vector field values.ListVectorPlot3D[{{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {vx_1, vy_1, vz_1}}, ...}] generates a 3D vector ...
In addition to importing ZIP files stored on your machine, Mathematica can also import ZIP files directly from a URL. In most cases, processing data in ZIP files is ...
GraphicsGrid[{{g_11, g_12, ...}, ...}] generates a graphic in which the g_ij are laid out in a two-dimensional grid.
ClippingStyle is an option for plotting functions that specifies the style of what should be drawn when curves or surfaces would extend beyond the plot range.
Dimensions[expr] gives a list of the dimensions of expr. Dimensions[expr, n] gives a list of the dimensions of expr down to level n.