Most modern computer systems provide ways to collect code into libraries. These libraries are said to be dynamic if they can be loaded into an application at runtime rather ...
PermutationReplace[expr, perm] replaces each part in expr by its image under the permutation perm.PermutationReplace[expr, gr] returns the list of images of expr under all ...
TetGenGetFaces[expr] gets the faces in a TetGen expression.
BoxOrientation is an option for BoxWhiskerPlot which specifies the orientation of the boxes.
(Numerical Calculus Package Symbol) ND[expr, x, x_0] gives a numerical approximation to the derivative of expr with respect to x at the point x_0.ND[expr, {x, n}, x_0] gives a numerical approximation to the ...
Because GPUs are SIMD machines, to exploit CUDA's potential you must pose the problem in an SIMD manner. Computation that can be partitioned in such a way that each thread ...
Introduction to J/Link Calling Java from Mathematica Writing Java Programs That Use Mathematica
SQLSelect selects and returns data from a database. An alternative, using raw SQL, is described in "Selecting Data with Raw SQL". If you find that the examples in this ...
LabelPoints is an option to DiagramPlot and PlanarGraphPlot that specifies whether to label points according to their position in the input list.
CommunityStructureAssignment[g] gives the assignment of vertices of a graph g into communities.