Functions for rearranging lists. This sorts the elements of a list into a standard order. In simple cases like this, the order is alphabetical or numerical. This sorts the ...
"CreateInlineCell" is a front end token that creates a new inline cell.
MorphologicalBranchPoints[image] gives a version of a binary image image in which white pixels represent the morphological branch points.
SquaredEuclideanDistance[u, v] gives the squared Euclidean distance between vectors u and v.
StartOfString represents the start of a string for purposes of matching in StringExpression.
Mathematica's symbolic architecture immediately defines a serializable representation for any Mathematica data or program—which can then readily be stored in a file.
FrontEndTokenExecute["cmd"] executes the specified front end command token, typically corresponding to a front end menu item.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Item[expr, options] represents an item within constructs such as Grid, Overlay, and Manipulate that displays with expr as the content, and with the specified options applied ...
PlusMinus[x] displays as \[PlusMinus]x.PlusMinus[x, y, ...] displays as x \[PlusMinus] y \[PlusMinus] ....
RowMinHeight is an option for the low-level function GridBox that specifies the minimum total height in units of font size that should be allowed for each row.