The Virtual Book is a browsable electronic collection of all the Mathematica tutorials, grouped according to functionality. It is an excellent place for users of all levels ...
Interrupt Evaluation interrupts the current operation being performed by the kernel.
ActionMenu[name, {lbl_1 :> act_1, lbl_2 :> act_2, ...}] represents an action menu with label name and with items labeled lbl_i that evaluates the expression act_i if the ...
BottomHatTransform[image, ker] gives the morphological bottom-hat transform of image with respect to structuring element ker.BottomHatTransform[image, r] gives the bottom-hat ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Break[] exits the nearest enclosing Do, For, or While.
ButtonNotebook[] gives the notebook, if any, that contains the button which initiated the current evaluation.
CellDingbat is an option for Cell which specifies what dingbat to use to emphasize a cell.
CellEventActions is an option for Cell that gives a list of actions to perform when specified events occur in connection with a cell in a notebook.
ChartLabels is an option for charting functions that specifies what labels should be used for chart elements.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Circle[{x, y}, r] is a two-dimensional graphics primitive that represents a circle of radius r centered at the point x, y. Circle[{x, y}] gives a circle of radius 1. ...