RootApproximant[x] converts the number x to one of the "simplest" algebraic numbers that approximates it well.RootApproximant[x, n] finds an algebraic number of degree at ...
SpanFromBoth is a symbol that can appear at a particular position in a Grid or related construct to indicate that the corresponding position is occupied by a spanning element ...
The standard set of messages for built-in Mathematica functions are written in American English. In some versions of Mathematica, messages are also available in other ...
One of the important features of Mathematica is its ability to give you exact, symbolic, results for computations. There are, however, computations where it is just ...
MathLink allows you to call an external program from within Mathematica even when that program is running on a remote computer. Typically, you need to start the program ...
Finding lines that contain specified text. Here is a file containing some text. This returns a list of all the lines in the file containing the text is.
Mathematica's ability to deal with symbolic expressions, as well as numbers, allows you to use it for many kinds of mathematics. Calculus is one example. With Mathematica, ...
In doing calculations, you will often need to use previous results that you have got. In Mathematica, % always stands for your last result. Ways to refer to your previous ...
The Database Explorer is a graphical interface to DatabaseLink. It provides a number of useful functions, such as managing connections and working with the data in a ...
GUIKIT PACKAGE TUTORIAL URL » GUIKit/tutorial/WebServicesNavigator Copy Mathematica URL Copy web URL Go to web URL GUIKit Example: Web Services Navigator Code ...