Unicode: 21C0. Alias: Esc vec Esc. Infix and overfix arrow-like operator. x ⇀ y is by default interpreted as RightVector[x,y]. Used in mathematics to indicate weak ...
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 221A. Alias: Esc sqrt Esc. Prefix operator with built-in evaluation rules. √ x is by default interpreted as Sqrt[x]. Ctrl+@, Ctrl+2 or ∖@ yields a complete SqrtBox ...
Unicode: 2191. Infix arrow operator. x ↑ y is by default interpreted as UpArrow[x,y]. Sometimes used in mathematics to denote generalization of powers. Used to indicate ...
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 22C1. Alias: Esc v Esc. Infix operator. x ⋁ y is by default interpreted as Vee[x,y]. Used to indicate various notions of joining, and as a dual of \[Wedge]. Not the ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Autodesk Maya scene description format. 3D geometry format. Native format of the Maya modeling, animation, and rendering software. Used for storage and interchange of 3D ...
MIME type: chemical/x-daylight-smiles SMILES chemical format. Commonly used to describe the structure of chemical molecules. SMILES is an acronym for Simplified Molecular ...
"BackgroundDialog" is a front end token that opens the Color dialog to set the background color for selected cells or text.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Balance" is a front end token that expands the selection to cover the nearest pair of matched bracketing characters.
"CellGroup" is a front end token that groups selected cells.
"CellMerge" is a front end token that merges the selected cells into one cell.