CPreprocessorElse[ ] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor else conditional.
CPreprocessorEndif[ ] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor endif conditional.
CSizeOf[obj] is a symbolic representation of a sizeof expression.
(SymbolicC Package Symbol) CWhile[test, body] is a symbolic representation of a while statement.
CompleteGraph[n] creates a complete graph on n vertices. An option Type that takes on the values Directed or Undirected is allowed. The default setting for this option is ...
NecklacePolynomial[n, c, Cyclic] returns a polynomial in the colors in c whose coefficients represent numbers of ways of coloring an n-bead necklace with colors chosen from ...
ShortestPathSpanningTree[g, v] constructs a shortest-path spanning tree rooted at v, so that a shortest path in graph g from v to any other vertex is a path in the tree.
The functionality of PolynomialPowerMod is now available in the kernel function PolynomialRemainder. Modulus is now an option to the kernel functions PolynomialQuotient and ...
CellInformation[obj] gives information about selected cells in the notebook represented by the notebook object obj.
ValueFunction[symb] represents a function to be applied whenever the symbol symb gets a new value.