BezierFunction[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] represents a Bézier function for a curve defined by the control points pt_i.BezierFunction[array] represents a Bézier function for a surface ...
PoleZeroMarkers is an option for RootLocusPlot that specifies the markers to be drawn on the complex plane at the open-loop poles, closed-loop poles, and open-loop zeros.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Flatten[list] flattens out nested lists. Flatten[list, n] flattens to level n. Flatten[list, n, h] flattens subexpressions with head h. Flatten[list, {{s_11, s_12, ...}, ...
ContourDetect[image] gives a binary image in which white pixels correspond to the zeros and zero crossings in image.ContourDetect[image, delta] treats values in image that ...
Version 6.0 continued Mathematica's commitment to delivering the latest and most efficient algorithms for linear algebra, generalized to arbitrary precision and with full ...
CrossingDetect[image] gives a binary image in which white pixels correspond to the zero crossings in image.CrossingDetect[image, delta] treats values in image that are ...
Mathematica has the most extensive collection of mathematical functions ever assembled. Often relying on original results and algorithms developed at Wolfram Research over ...
Mathematica can represent bit vectors of arbitrary length as integers, and uses highly optimized algorithms—including several original to Wolfram Research—to perform bitwise ...
LinearSolveFunction[dimensions, data] represents a function for providing solutions to a matrix equation.