(Combinatorica Package Symbol) CliqueQ[g, c] yields True if the list of vertices c defines a clique in graph g.
CompleteBinaryTree[n] returns a complete binary tree on n vertices.
CompleteKaryTree[n, k] returns a complete k-ary tree on n vertices.
ConstructTableau[p] performs the bumping algorithm repeatedly on each element of permutation p, resulting in a distinct Young tableau.
CubicalGraph returns the graph corresponding to the cube, a Platonic solid.
DegreesOf2Neighborhood[g, v] returns the sorted list of degrees of vertices of graph g within a distance of 2 from v.
DodecahedralGraph returns the graph corresponding to the dodecahedron, a Platonic solid.
ExactRandomGraph[n, e] constructs a random labeled graph of exactly e edges and n vertices.
ExtractCycles[g] gives a maximal list of edge-disjoint cycles in graph g.
FerrersDiagram[p] draws a Ferrers diagram of integer partition p.