SetSystemOptions["name" -> value] resets the value for the internal system option with the specified name.
StackComplete[expr] evaluates expr with intermediate expressions in evaluation chains included on the stack.
StringFormat["string"] attempts to determine what ImportString format could be used to import the string " string".
StringTrim["string"] trims whitespace from the beginning and end of " string".StringTrim["string", patt] trims substrings matching patt from the beginning and end.
SystemOpen["target"] opens the specified file, URL, or other target with the associated program on your computer system.
f /: lhs =. removes any rules defined for lhs, associated with the symbol f.
TimeZone is an option for DateString, AbsoluteTime, and related functions that specifies the time zone to use for dates and times.
TraceBackward is an option for Trace and related functions which specifies whether to include preceding expressions on the evaluation chain that contains the pattern form ...
TraceForward is an option for Trace and related functions which specifies whether to include later expressions on the evaluation chain that contains the pattern form sought.
UnsetShared[s_1, s_2, ...] stops the sharing of the variables or functions s_i among parallel kernels.UnsetShared[patt] stops the sharing of all variables and functions whose ...