(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Bipolar represents the bipolar coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Zz and default parameter value 1. Bipolar[u, v, z] represents the bipolar coordinate ...
Bispherical represents the bispherical coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Pphi and default parameter value 1. Bispherical[u, v, \[Phi]] represents the ...
ConfocalEllipsoidal represents the confocal ellipsoidal coordinate system with default variables Llambda, Mmu, and Nnu and default parameter values 3, 2, and 1. ...
ConfocalParaboloidal represents the confocal paraboloidal coordinate system with default variables Llambda, Mmu, and Nnu and default parameter values 2 and 1. ...
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Conical represents the conical coordinate system with default variables Llambda, Mmu, and Nnu and default parameter values 1 and 2. Conical[\[Lambda], \[Mu], \[Nu]] ...
EllipticCylindrical represents the elliptic cylindrical coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Zz and default parameter value 1. EllipticCylindrical[u, v, z] ...
Laplacian[f] gives the Laplacian, \[Del]^2 f, of the scalar function or vector field f in the default coordinate system. Laplacian[f, coordsys] gives the Laplacian of f in ...
OblateSpheroidal represents the oblate spheroidal coordinate system with default variables Xxi, Eeta, and Pphi and default parameter value 1. OblateSpheroidal[\[Xi], \[Eta], ...
ProlateSpheroidal represents the prolate spheroidal coordinate system with default variables Xxi, Eeta, and Pphi and default parameter value 1. ProlateSpheroidal[\[Xi], ...
ScaleFactors[pt] gives a list of the scale factors at the point pt in the default coordinate system. ScaleFactors[pt, coordsys] gives a list of the scale factors in the ...