Every new version of Mathematica contains many new features. But careful design from the outset has allowed nearly total compatibility to be maintained between all versions. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) TeXForm[expr] prints as a TeX version of expr.
DiscreteWaveletTransform[data] gives the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of an array of data.DiscreteWaveletTransform[data, wave] gives the discrete wavelet transform using ...
NHoldAll is an attribute which specifies that none of the arguments to a function should be affected by N.
These "How tos" give step-by-step instructions for common tasks related to editing and manipulating graphics in Mathematica .
JacobiSymbol[n, m] gives the Jacobi symbol (n/m).
MultinormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[CapitalSigma]] represents a multivariate normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean vector \[Mu] and covariance matrix \[CapitalSigma].
SmoothKernelDistribution[{x_1, x_2, ...}] represents a smooth kernel distribution based on the data values x_i.SmoothKernelDistribution[{{x_1, y_1, ...}, {x_2, y_2, ...}, ...
Mathematica contains the world's largest collection of number theoretic functions, many based on specially developed algorithms.
AffineTransform[m] gives a TransformationFunction that represents an affine transform that maps r to m.r. AffineTransform[{m, v}] gives an affine transform that maps r to m.r ...