DeleteCases[expr, pattern] removes all elements of expr that match pattern. DeleteCases[expr, pattern, levelspec] removes all parts of expr on levels specified by levelspec ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Through[p[f_1, f_2][x]] gives p[f_1[x], f_2[x]]. Through[expr, h] performs the transformation wherever h occurs in the head of expr.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Scan[f, expr] evaluates f applied to each element of expr in turn. Scan[f, expr, levelspec] applies f to parts of expr specified by levelspec.
WeierstrassPPrime[u, {g_2, g_3}] gives the derivative of the Weierstrass elliptic function \[WeierstrassP](u; g_2, g_3).
GaussianQuadratureWeights[n, a, b] gives a list of the n pairs {x_i, w_i} of the elementary n-point Gaussian formula for quadrature on the interval a to b, where w_i is the ...
BezierFunction[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] represents a Bézier function for a curve defined by the control points pt_i.BezierFunction[array] represents a Bézier function for a surface ...
InverseFunctions is an option for Solve and related functions that specifies whether inverse functions should be used.
InterpolationOrder is an option for Interpolation, as well as ListLinePlot, ListPlot3D, ListContourPlot, and related functions, that specifies what order of interpolation to ...
PolyhedronData[poly, " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the polyhedron named poly.PolyhedronData[poly] gives an image of the polyhedron named ...
The Graph Utilities Package contains a number of functions useful for graph theory applications. Functions in the Graph Utilities Package. This loads the package.