Many computations are conveniently specified in terms of applying functions in parallel to many elements in a list. Mathematica provides a suite of elegant functional ...
Mathematica's matrix operations handle both numeric and symbolic matrices, automatically accessing large numbers of highly efficient algorithms. Mathematica uses ...
Version 6.0 continued Mathematica's commitment to delivering the latest and most efficient algorithms for linear algebra, generalized to arbitrary precision and with full ...
As with integers, operations related to division are key to many computations with polynomials. Mathematica includes not only highly optimized univariate polynomial-division ...
Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture immediately allows it to perform structural transformations not only on objects like lists, but also on general symbolic ...
Arithmetic Numerical Mathematics in Mathematica The Uncertainties of Numerical Mathematics
Mathematica 8 adds major new areas, including probability and statistics, graphs and networks, computational finance, control systems, wavelet analysis, and group theory. ...
Directly integrated into Mathematica's uniform architecture for handling lists of data is an array of highly optimized algorithms for transforming and smoothing datasets that ...
Version 6.0 added a collection of carefully optimized functions to Mathematica's powerful arsenal of numerical handling capabilities.