RiemannSiegelTheta[t] gives the Riemann\[Dash]Siegel function \[CurlyTheta](t).
RiemannSiegelZ[t] gives the Riemann\[Dash]Siegel function Z(t).
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The eigenvalues of a matrix m are the values λ_i for which one can find nonzero vectors v_i such that m.v_i λ_iv_i. The eigenvectors are the ...
SeriesCoefficient[series, n] finds the coefficient of the n\[Null]\[Null]^th-order term in a power series in the form generated by Series. SeriesCoefficient[f, {x, x_0, n}] ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Tan[z] gives the tangent of z.
The Graph Utilities Package contains a number of functions useful for graph theory applications. Functions in the Graph Utilities Package. This loads the package.
The control mechanisms set up for NDSolve enable you to define your own numerical integration algorithms and use them as specifications for the Method option of NDSolve. ...
The following are some issues and considerations to be aware of when using the Notation Package and/or designing notations. It is intrinsically difficult to debug something ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Abs[z] gives the absolute value of the real or complex number z.
DiscreteConvolve[f, g, n, m] gives the convolution with respect to n of the expressions f and g. DiscreteConvolve[f, g, {n_1, n_2, ...}, {m_1, m_2, ...}] gives the ...