Any combination of equations or inequalities can be thought of as implicitly defining a region in some kind of space. The fundamental function of Reduce is to turn this type ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Solve[expr, vars] attempts to solve the system expr of equations or inequalities for the variables vars. Solve[expr, vars, dom] solves over the domain dom. Common choices of ...
AlgebraicNumberDenominator[a] gives the smallest positive integer n such that n a is an algebraic integer.
AlgebraicNumberTrace[a] gives the trace of the algebraic number a.
AlgebraicNumber[\[Theta], {c_0, c_1, ..., c_n}] represents the algebraic number in the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][\[Theta]] given by c_0 + c_1 \[Theta] + ... + c_n ...
AlgebraicNumberPolynomial[a, x] gives the polynomial in x corresponding to the AlgebraicNumber object a.
AlgebraicNumberNorm[a] gives the norm of the algebraic number a.
Mathematica usually keeps the elements of a list in exactly the order you originally entered them. If you want to treat a Mathematica list like a mathematical set, however, ...
The representation of algebraic numbers. When you enter a Root object, the polynomial that appears in it is automatically reduced to a minimal form. This extracts the pure ...
Mathematica's symbolic character allows it to provide deep integrated support for algebraic numbers. At the core are Root objects, which provide exact implicit ...