CellHorizontalScrolling is an option for cells that specifies whether the contents of a cell can be scrolled from left to right using the horizontal scroll bar of the ...
ClosingAutoSave is an option for notebooks that specifies whether a notebook is automatically saved when it is closed.
EvaluationCompletionAction is an option for notebooks that specifies the action taken when an evaluation is completed.
ExternalDataCharacterEncoding is a global option that specifies the character encoding used in reading and writing plain text data outside of Mathematica.
NotebookBrowseDirectory is a global option that determines the current working directory.
PrintingCopies is an option for notebooks that specifies the number of copies of a notebook printed when a print command is given.
Saveable is an option for notebooks that specifies whether a notebook can be saved.
StartupSound is a global option that specifies whether Mathematica plays a sound when it is launched.
$UserDocumentsDirectory gives your default "documents" directory.
RandomKSetPartition[set, k] returns a random set partition of set with k blocks. RandomKSetPartition[n, k] returns a random set partition of the first n natural numbers into ...