ShowSelection is an option to Notebook, Cell, and Style that specifies whether to show the current selection highlighted.
TotalWidth is an option which can be set for output streams to specify the maximum total number of characters of text that should be printed for each output expression. Short ...
ViewRange is an option for Graphics3D and related functions which specifies the range of distances from the view point to be included in displaying a three-dimensional scene.
$CompilationTarget gives the default value for the option CompilationTarget of Compile.
$DateStringFormat gives the default format to use for date strings generated by DateString.
You can define wavelets to plug into the wavelet analysis framework by using the correct template. A wavelet wave is of the form wfam[args], where wfam is the symbol that ...
This package provides an interactive tool for investigating the solutions of differential equations as well as other types of equations that have solutions that can be viewed ...
(Computational Geometry Package Symbol) TrimPoints is an option to DiagramPlot that specifies which diagram outlier vertex lies on the PlotRange limit.
OrderStarKind is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the type of order star to be displayed.
Mathematica uses its knowledge of the symbolic structure of your input to display it with semantics-directed syntax coloring and other forms of styling. You can use options ...