CreateDialog[expr] creates a dialog notebook containing expr and opens it in the front end.CreateDialog[expr, obj] replaces the notebook represented by the notebook object ...
CreatePalette[expr] creates a palette notebook containing expr, and opens it in the front end.CreatePalette[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] creates and opens a palette notebook ...
NotebookEventActions is a notebook option that gives a list of actions to perform when specified events occur in connection with the notebook.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Options[symbol] gives the list of default options assigned to a symbol. Options[expr] gives the options explicitly specified in a particular expression such as a graphics ...
In doing numerical operations like NDSolve and NMinimize, Mathematica by default uses machine numbers. But by setting the option WorkingPrecision->n you can tell it to use ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Toggler[x] represents a toggler button with setting x, that toggles between True and False. Toggler[Dynamic[x]] takes the setting to be the dynamically updated current value ...
General options for text formatting. If you have a large block of text containing no explicit newline characters, then Mathematica will automatically break your text into a ...
CUDA is a general C-like programming developed by NVIDIA to program Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). CUDALink provides an easy interface to program the GPU by removing many ...
DominationLattice[n] returns a Hasse diagram of the partially ordered set on integer partitions of n in which p < q if q dominates p. The function takes two options: Type and ...
RankKSetPartition[sp, s] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of s. RankSetPartition[sp] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of the set of ...