Animate Selected Graphics animates graphics in a selection of cells, typically a cell group.
AllowGroupClose is an option for Cell that specifies whether a cell group can be closed normally.
AllowReverseGroupClose is an option for Cell that specifies whether a cell group can be reverse closed.
CellAutoOverwrite is an option for Cell which specifies whether an output cell should be overwritten by new output when the preceding input cell is evaluated.
CellBracketOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for cells that specifies settings for cell brackets.
CellGrouping is a notebook option that specifies how cells in the notebook should be assembled into groups.
CellLabel is an option for Cell which gives the label to use for a particular cell.
DefaultInlineFormatType is an option for cells that specifies the format used for displaying expressions in a newly created inline cell.
DefaultMenuStyle is a low-level option for menu-generating constructs that specifies the default style to use for displaying menu items.
DelimiterFlashTime is an option for cells and notebooks that specifies how long in seconds a delimiter should flash when its matching delimiter is entered.