CrossingDetect[image] gives a binary image in which white pixels correspond to the zero crossings in image.CrossingDetect[image, delta] treats values in image that are ...
DialogNotebook[{cell_1, cell_2, ...}] represents a dialog notebook that can be manipulated by the Mathematica front end.
DigitBlock is an option for NumberForm and related functions that specifies the maximum length of blocks of digits between breaks.
EdgeRenderingFunction is an option for GraphPlot and related functions that gives a function to generate the graphics primitives to use in rendering each edge.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Enabled is an option for objects such as Slider that specifies whether the objects should be enabled for interactive manipulation.
Exclusions is an option that specifies where to exclude in regions used by functions like Plot, Plot3D, and NIntegrate.
FaceGridsStyle is an option for 3D graphics functions that specifies how face grids should be rendered.
FileNames[] lists all files in the current working directory. FileNames[form] lists all files in the current working directory whose names match the string pattern form. ...
FindThreshold[image] finds a global threshold value that partitions the intensity values in image into two intervals.
FormatType is an option for output streams, graphics, and functions such as Text that specifies the default format type to use when outputting expressions.