GridLinesStyle is an option for 2D graphics functions that specifies how grid lines should be rendered.
ImageAdjust[image] adjusts the levels in image, rescaling them to cover the range 0 to 1.ImageAdjust[image, c] adjusts the contrast of image by an amount c.ImageAdjust[image, ...
ImageConvolve[image, ker] gives the convolution of image with kernel ker.
ImageForestingComponents[image] finds a segmentation of image, returning an integer matrix in which positive integers label different ...
ImageMargins is an option that specifies the absolute margins to leave around the image displayed for an object.
ImagePartition[image, s] partitions an image into an array of s*s-pixel subimages.ImagePartition[image, {w, h}] partitions an image into an array of subimages of pixel width ...
ImageValue[image, {x, y}] gives the pixel value of image at position {x, y}.ImageValue[image, {x, y}, " type"] gives the pixel value converted to the specified type.
IncludeConstantBasis is an option for LinearModelFit and other fitting functions that specifies whether a constant term should be included if not explicitly given in the list ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Input[] interactively reads in one Mathematica expression. Input[prompt] requests input, displaying prompt as a "prompt".Input[prompt, init] in a notebook front end uses init ...
InputString[] interactively reads in a character string. InputString[prompt] requests input, displaying prompt as a "prompt". InputString[prompt, init] in a notebook front ...