IndependentSetQ[g, i] yields True if the vertices in list i define an independent set in graph g.
LexicographicSubsets[l] gives all subsets of set l in lexicographic order. LexicographicSubsets[n] returns all subsets of {1, 2, ..., n} in lexicographic order.
MaximumAntichain[g] gives a largest set of unrelated vertices in partial order g.
MaximumIndependentSet[g] finds a largest independent set of graph g.
NextGrayCodeSubset[l, s] constructs the successor of s in the Gray code of set l.
NextLexicographicSubset[l, s] gives the lexicographic successor of subset s of set l.
OddGraph[n] returns the graph whose vertices are the size-(n - 1) subsets of a size-(2 nTraditionalForm\`\[Dash]1) set and whose edges connect pairs of vertices that ...
PetersenGraph returns the Petersen graph, a graph whose vertices can be viewed as the size-2 subsets of a size-5 set with edges connecting disjoint subsets.
RandomKSubset[l, k] gives a random subset of set l with exactly k elements.
RandomSubset[l] creates a random subset of set l.