(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Zoom[{i, j, k, ...}] is a value that the PlotRange option can take on in ShowGraph. Setting PlotRange to this value zooms the display to contain the specified subset of ...
(Computational Geometry Package Symbol) AllPoints is an option to ConvexHull that specifies whether all distinct points on the hull or only the minimum set of points needed to define the hull are returned.
RoundToEven is a setting for the option RoundingRule of SetArithmetic that specifies rounding to the nearest representable number and, in the case of a tie, rounding to the ...
RoundToInfinity is a setting for the option RoundingRule of SetArithmetic that specifies rounding to the nearest representable number and, in the case of a tie, rounding away ...
Truncation is a setting for the option RoundingRule of SetArithmetic that specifies rounding by discarding excess digits.
AutoLoadNotationPalette specifies whether the Notation palette is opened when the Notation Package is loaded.
ButcherPlotRootSize is an option to ButcherPlot that specifies a scaling factor for the circle highlighting the root.
Mathematica provides a complete set of functions needed to compute and verify the controllability and observability properties of linear systems, as well as advanced ...
Mathematica allows any front end command to be executed programmatically from within the kernel by sending an appropriate front end token. There are tokens for all standard ...
The core of Mathematica's unique power for building interfaces is in its extremely flexible high-level symbolic paradigm. But Mathematica also allows you to build interfaces ...