ChartElements is an option to charting functions such as BarChart that specifies the graphics to use as the basis for bars or other chart elements.
ColorFunction is an option for graphics functions that specifies a function to apply to determine colors of elements.
DerivativeFilter[image, {n_1, n_2}] computes the n_i\[Null]^th derivative of image in the vertical and horizontal directions.DerivativeFilter[image, {n_1, n_2}, \[Sigma]] ...
EdgeStyle is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies what style to use for edges.
FourierSinCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives the n\[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier sine series expansion of expr.FourierSinCoefficient[expr, {t_1, t_2, ...}, {n_1, n_2, ...}] ...
GainPhaseMargins[sys] gives the gain and phase margins of the linear time-invariant system sys.
ImageCrop[image] crops image by removing borders of uniform color. ImageCrop[image, {w, h}] crops image to pixel width w and pixel height h.ImageCrop[image, size] crops image ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Inpaint[image, region] retouches parts of image that correspond to nonzero elements in region.
InverseFourierCosTransform[expr, \[Omega], t] gives the symbolic inverse Fourier cosine transform of expr. InverseFourierCosTransform[expr, {\[Omega]_1, \[Omega]_2, \ ...}, ...
InverseFourierSinTransform[expr, \[Omega], t] gives the symbolic inverse Fourier sine transform of expr. InverseFourierSinTransform[expr, {\[Omega]_1, \[Omega]_2, \ ...}, ...