Tolerance is an option for various numerical options which specifies the tolerance that should be allowed in computing results.
Translate[g, {x, y, ...}] represents graphics primitives g translated by the vector {x, y, ...}. Translate[g, {{x_1, y_1, ...}, {x_2, y_2, ...}, ...}] represents multiple ...
TreePlot[{v i 1 -> v j 1, v i 2 -> v j 2, ...}] generates a tree plot of the graph in which vertex v_ik is connected to vertex v_jk.TreePlot[{{v i 1 -> v j 1, lbl_1}, ...}] ...
VertexColors is an option for graphics primitives which specifies the colors to assign to vertices.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) VertexQ[g, v] yields True if v is a vertex in the graph g and False otherwise.
VertexShape is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies the graphics used for vertices.
$MessagePrePrint is a global variable whose value, if set, is applied to expressions before they are included in the text of messages.
Now that we have introduced the basic features of patterns in Mathematica, we can use them to give a more or less complete example. We will show how you could define your own ...
Internal representations used by Mathematica. When you type input into Mathematica, a data structure is created in the memory of your computer to represent the expression you ...
Just as Mathematica allows you to define how expressions should be evaluated, so also it allows you to define how expressions should be formatted for output. The basic idea ...