CreateLibrary[source, name] compiles a string of C code and creates a library file, name.ext.CreateLibrary[{file 1, ...}, name] compiles a number of C source files and ...
SymbolicC provides automated formatting of the generated C output. This section reviews some of the ways that you can work with formatting to create your own styles of ...
By default, any interface definition executes within a single thread, and since currently GUIKit` definitions execute at runtime as Java components, this means that execution ...
In data analysis, it is often necessary to clean a dataset before analyzing it. Data points with missing entries or that contain invalid values must be removed or replaced by ...
Cashflow[{c_0, c_1, ..., c_n}] represents a series of cash flows occurring at unit time intervals.Cashflow[{c_0, c_1, ..., c_n}, q] represents cash flows occurring at time ...
DateList[] gives the current local date and time in the form {year, month, day, hour, minute, second}. DateList[time] gives a date list corresponding to an AbsoluteTime ...
DateString[] gives a string representing the complete current local date and time. DateString["elem"] gives the specified element or format for date and ...
DistributionFitTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed. DistributionFitTest[data, dist] tests whether data is distributed according to dist. ...
Eigenvectors[m] gives a list of the eigenvectors of the square matrix m. Eigenvectors[{m, a}] gives the generalized eigenvectors of m with respect to a. Eigenvectors[m, k] ...
Function[body] or body & is a pure function. The formal parameters are # (or #1), #2, etc. Function[x, body] is a pure function with a single formal parameter x. ...