2841 - 2850 of 3445 for quasi algebraic setsSearch Results
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DatePlus   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DatePlus[date, n] gives the date n days after date.DatePlus[date, {n, " unit"}] gives the date n units after date.DatePlus[date, {{n_1, "unit_1"}, {n_2, "unit_2"}, ...}] ...
Disjunction   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Disjunction[expr, {a_1, a_2, ...}] gives the disjunction of expr over all choices of the Boolean variables a_i.
Export   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Export["file. ext", expr] exports data to a file, converting it to the format corresponding to the file extension ext. Export[file, expr, " format"] exports data in the ...
Framed   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Framed[expr] displays a framed version of expr.
GroupStabilizerChain   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
GroupStabilizerChain[group] returns a list of successive stabilizers in group of the points in a base of group.
Histogram3D   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Histogram3D[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] plots a 3D histogram of the values {x_i, y_i}.Histogram3D[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}, bspec] plots a 3D histogram with bins ...
ImageData   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ImageData[image] gives the array of pixel values in image.ImageData[image, " type"] gives the array of pixel values converted to the specified type.
IntegerDigits   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
IntegerDigits[n] gives a list of the decimal digits in the integer n. IntegerDigits[n, b] gives a list of the base b digits in the integer n. IntegerDigits[n, b, len] pads ...
Item   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Item[expr, options] represents an item within constructs such as Grid, Overlay, and Manipulate that displays with expr as the content, and with the specified options applied ...
LaunchKernels   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
LaunchKernels[] launches all currently configured parallel subkernels.LaunchKernels[n] launches n local subkernels on the current computer.LaunchKernels[des] launches a ...
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