MomentConvert[mexpr, form] converts the moment expression mexpr to the specified form.
NonlinearModelFit[{y_1, y_2, ...}, form, {\[Beta]_1, ...}, x] constructs a nonlinear model with structure form that fits the y_i for successive x values 1, 2, ... using the ...
PaddedForm[expr, n] prints with all numbers in expr padded to leave room for a total of n digits. PaddedForm[expr, {n, f}] prints with approximate real numbers having exactly ...
ParallelSubmit[expr] submits expr for evaluation on the next available parallel kernel and returns an EvaluationObject expression representing the submitted ...
ReliefImage[array] generates a relief image of an array of height values.
RGBColor[red, green, blue] is a graphics directive specifying that objects that follow are to be displayed, if possible, in the color given. RGBColor[r, g, b, a] specifies ...
SinIntegral[z] gives the sine integral function Si(z).
SkellamDistribution[\[Mu]_1, \[Mu]_2] represents a Skellam distribution with shape parameters \[Mu]_1 and \[Mu]_2.
StepMonitor is an option for iterative numerical computation functions that gives an expression to evaluate whenever a step is taken by the numerical method used.
StringReplace["string", s -> sp] or StringReplace["string", {s_1 -> sp_1, s_2 -> sp_2, ...}] replaces the string expressions s_i by sp_i whenever they appear as substrings of ...