As of Version 7.0, BarSpacing is part of the built-in Mathematica kernel.
(Obsolete Bar Charts Package Symbol) As of Version 7.0, BarStyle has been superseded by ChartStyle.
As of Version 7.0, PercentileBarChart has been superseded by BarChart.
As of Version 7.0, StackedBarChart has been renamed "Stacked" and become a property of BarChart.
Some of the functionality of the World Plotting Package is now available in CountryData.
Interpolation::inhr ListInterpolation::inhr InterpolatingFunction::inhr
LogicalExpand::eqf MainSolve::eqf Roots::eqf ToRules::eqf Solve::eqf Reduce::eqf Eliminate::eqf SolveAlways::eqf AlgebraicRules::eqf GroebnerBasis::eqf PolynomialReduce::eqf ...