Mathematica has the most extensive collection of mathematical functions ever assembled. Often relying on original results and algorithms developed at Wolfram Research over ...
GeneratedParameters is an option that specifies how parameters generated to represent the results of various symbolic operations should be named.
Mathematica allows any front end command to be executed programmatically from within the kernel by sending an appropriate front end token. There are tokens for all standard ...
VertexNormals is an option for graphics primitives which specifies the normal directions to assign to 3D vertices.
Special forms for some common symbols. This is equivalent to Sin[60Degree]. Here is the long form of the input.
The utility functions FindMinimumPlot and FindRootPlot show search data for FindMinimum and FindRoot for one- and two-dimensional functions. They work with essentially the ...
int MLSetSignalHandler (MLENV env, int s, void *sa) installs the Unix signal handler detailed in the object sa for signal s in the MathLink library signal-handling mechanism.
(Mathematica Overview) Making Lists of Objects Collecting Objects Together Making Tables of Values
Applying Transformation Rules Manipulating Sets of Transformation Rules Making Definitions
Mathematica gives convenient machine-independent programmatic access to a broad range of information about your computer system.