One of the important features of Mathematica is its ability to give you exact, symbolic, results for computations. There are, however, computations where it is just ...
By providing a completely extensible set of vertex and edge properties, you can make graphs represent much more than the structural information embodied in their topology. ...
SelectionEvaluateCreateCell[notebook] takes the current selection in a notebook and creates a new cell containing the result obtained by evaluating the contents of the ...
SetPartitionQ[sp, s] determines if sp is a set partition of set s. SetPartitionQ[sp] tests if sp is a set of disjoint sets.
SetCoordinates[coordsys] sets the default coordinate system to be coordsys with default variables. SetCoordinates[coordsys[c_1, c_2, c_3]] sets the default coordinate system ...
int MLSetSignalHandlerFromFunction (MLENV ep, int s, void *sf) installs the Unix signal handler pointed to by sf for signal s in the MathLink library signal-handling ...
Mathematica has many matrix operations that support operations such as building, computing, and visualizing matrices. It also has a rich language for picking out parts of ...
TetGenSetRegions[expr, pts, index, attrs] sets the regions in a TetGen expression.
InverseFunction[f] represents the inverse of the function f, defined so that InverseFunction[f][y] gives the value of x for which f[x] is equal to y. InverseFunction[f, n, ...
FindEdgeCover[g] finds an edge cover of the graph g with a minimum number of edges.