671 - 680 of 3445 for quasi algebraic setsSearch Results
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MAT   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
MATLAB MAT-files. Matrix data format. Native data format of the MATLAB numerical computation software. Stores numerical matrices, Boolean values, or strings. Binary format. ...
MTX   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
Matrix Market matrix format. Used for exchanging and storing test matrices. Plain text format. File format of the NIST Matrix Market collection of standard test matrices. ...
MonomialList   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
MonomialList[poly] gives the list of all monomials in the polynomial poly.MonomialList[poly, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives the list of monomials with respect to the variables x_i in ...
Primes   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Primes represents the domain of prime numbers, as in x \[Element] Primes.
Basic Matrix Operations   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Some basic matrix operations. Transposing a matrix interchanges the rows and columns in the matrix. If you transpose an m×n matrix, you get an n×m matrix as the result. ...
Install   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Install["name"] starts a MathLink-compatible external program and installs Mathematica definitions to call functions in it.
MLSetMessageHandler()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
int MLSetMessageHandler (MLINK link, MLMessageHandlerObject h) installs the urgent message handler function referenced by h for for link.
MLSetUserData()   (Mathematica MathLink C Function)
void MLSetUserData (MLINK link, void* d, MLUserFunction f) installs the users data object data and function f in link.
NotebookApply   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
NotebookApply[notebook, data] writes data into a notebook at the current selection, replacing the first selection placeholder in data by the current selection, and then ...
MaximalBipartiteMatching   (Graph Utilities Package Symbol)
MaximalBipartiteMatching[g] gives the maximal matching of the bipartite graph g.
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