TuranGraph[n, k] gives the k-partite Turán graph with n vertices T n, k.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Arrow[{pt_1, pt_2}] is a graphics primitive that represents an arrow from pt_1 to pt_2.Arrow[{pt_1, pt_2}, s] represents an arrow with its ends set back from pt_1 and pt_2 by ...
Programming OpenCL in Mathematica is simple since the user need not write C wrapper code—which can be quite verbose, difficult to understand, and hard to debug. Using ...
The arithmetic used by Mathematica is a mixture of variable-precision software arithmetic and whatever is provided by the manufacturer of the floating-point hardware (or the ...
OpenCLFunctionLoad[prog, fun, argtypes, blockdims] loads fun from source code prog, returning an OpenCLFunction object.OpenCLFunctionLoad[{progfile}, fun, argtypes, ...
FontProperties -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2} specifies font properties.
OpenCLMemoryLoad[list] loads list into OpenCLMemory manager, returning an OpenCLMemory.OpenCLMemoryLoad[list, type] loads list with specified type into OpenCLMemory manager, ...
Restriction scripts can be very useful in managing sitewide installations of Mathematica. They can be used to prevent access to Mathematica by unauthorized users on the ...
ConfigurationPath is a global option that specifies which directories are searched for systemwide configuration information.
DensityPlot[f, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}] makes a density plot of f as a function of x and y.