InteractiveTradingChart[{{date_1, {open_1, high_1, low_1, close_1, volume_1}}, ...}] makes a chart showing prices and volume for each date. InteractiveTradingChart[{" name", ...
MousePosition[] gives the current mouse position in the notebook front end. MousePosition["coords"] gives the mouse position with respect to the specified coordinate ...
Slider2D[{x, y}] represents a 2D slider with settings x and y in the range 0 to 1. Slider2D[Dynamic[pt]] takes the setting to be the dynamically updated current value of pt, ...
Invisible characters. In the input there is an invisible comma between the 1 and 2. Here there is an invisible space between the x and y, interpreted as multiplication.
NotebookRead[notebook] gives the expression corresponding to the current selection in the specified notebook object.
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Bipolar represents the bipolar coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Zz and default parameter value 1. Bipolar[u, v, z] represents the bipolar coordinate ...
Bispherical represents the bispherical coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Pphi and default parameter value 1. Bispherical[u, v, \[Phi]] represents the ...
Cartesian represents the Cartesian coordinate system with default variables Xx, Yy, and Zz.Cartesian[x, y, z] represents the Cartesian coordinate system with variables x, y, ...
ConfocalEllipsoidal represents the confocal ellipsoidal coordinate system with default variables Llambda, Mmu, and Nnu and default parameter values 3, 2, and 1. ...
ConfocalParaboloidal represents the confocal paraboloidal coordinate system with default variables Llambda, Mmu, and Nnu and default parameter values 2 and 1. ...