(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Conical represents the conical coordinate system with default variables Llambda, Mmu, and Nnu and default parameter values 1 and 2. Conical[\[Lambda], \[Mu], \[Nu]] ...
EllipticCylindrical represents the elliptic cylindrical coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Zz and default parameter value 1. EllipticCylindrical[u, v, z] ...
OblateSpheroidal represents the oblate spheroidal coordinate system with default variables Xxi, Eeta, and Pphi and default parameter value 1. OblateSpheroidal[\[Xi], \[Eta], ...
ProlateSpheroidal represents the prolate spheroidal coordinate system with default variables Xxi, Eeta, and Pphi and default parameter value 1. ProlateSpheroidal[\[Xi], ...
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Toroidal represents the toroidal coordinate system with default variables Uu, Vv, and Pphi and default parameter value 1. Toroidal[u, v, \[Phi]] represents the toroidal ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) << name reads in a file, evaluating each expression in it, and returning the last one.
$MaxExtraPrecision gives the maximum number of extra digits of precision to be used in functions such as N.
$RecursionLimit gives the current limit on the number of levels of recursion that Mathematica can use.
$RelaxedTypeChecking is a flag that can be set to True to speed up the validation performed in Mathematica (via pattern tests) on arrays of data being sent as arguments to ...
WidgetAlign[] is a widget layout placeholder that provides an alignment marker. WidgetAlign[{ref, After}, Before] makes a specific request for the next widget to align to ...