The way modules work in Mathematica is basically very simple. Every time any module is used, a new symbol is created to represent each of its local variables. The new symbol ...
Finding lines that contain specified text. Here is a file containing some text. This returns a list of all the lines in the file containing the text is.
DiscretePlot3D[expr, {i, i_min, i_max}, {j, j_min, j_max}] generates a plot of the values of expr when i runs from i_min to i_max and j runs from j_min to ...
Graphics3D[primitives, options] represents a three-dimensional graphical image.
This document describes how to compile and run MathLink programs written in the C language on computers running a Microsoft Windows operating system. ("MathLink and External ...
BarChart[{y_1, y_2, ...}] makes a bar chart with bar lengths y_1, y_2, ....BarChart[{..., w_i[y_i, ...], ..., w_j[y_j, ...], ...}] makes a bar chart with bar features defined ...
Graphics[primitives, options] represents a two-dimensional graphical image.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Play[f, {t, t_min, t_max}] creates an object that plays as a sound whose amplitude is given by f as a function of time t in seconds between t_min and t_max.
When Mathematica reads the text x^y, it interprets it as x raised to the power y. In a notebook, you can also give the two-dimensional input x^y directly. Mathematica again ...
MenuView[{lbl_1 -> expr_1, lbl_2 -> expr_2, ...}] represents an object in which selecting the menu item with label lbl_i displays expr_i. MenuView[{lbl_1 -> expr_1, lbl_2 -> ...