Many of the most powerful list manipulation operations in Mathematica treat whole lists as single objects. Sometimes, however, you need to pick out or set individual elements ...
Checkbox[x] represents a checkbox with setting x, displayed as CheckboxBox[True] when x is True and CheckboxBox[False] when x is False. Checkbox[Dynamic[x]] takes the setting ...
Files and pipes are both examples of general Mathematica objects known as streams. A stream in Mathematica is a source of input or output. There are many operations that you ...
Mathematica provides a full range of control objects, all specified in convenient symbolic form. Manipulate uses many of these objects automatically; you can also use them ...
Mathematica has over a thousand options that allow full control over every aspect of its interface. These options can be set interactively from menus, defined in stylesheets, ...
Ways to enter Greek letters in a notebook. Here is a palette for entering common Greek letters. You can use Greek letters just like the ordinary letters that you type on your ...
Evaluate[expr] causes expr to be evaluated even if it appears as the argument of a function whose attributes specify that it should be held unevaluated.
If you use a text-based interface to Mathematica, then the input you give must consist only of characters that you can type directly on your computer keyboard. But if you use ...
Mathematica 6 introduced the revolutionary idea of symbolic dynamic interactivity. Mathematica 7 makes use of this idea throughout the system, and adds a number of additional ...
Based on original algorithms developed at Wolfram Research, Mathematica's core randomness generation is both highly efficient and of exceptional quality. Mathematica can ...