Mathematica is to its core a fundamentally extensible system, in which efficient, modular, reusable packages of any size can readily be created. Mathematica's symbolic ...
NotebookEventActions is a notebook option that gives a list of actions to perform when specified events occur in connection with the notebook.
Beyond using a keyboard or mouse, you can control Mathematica with a joystick, gamepad, 3D mouse, or any device that follows the industry-standard human interface device ...
Default View resets the view point for the selected (or clicked upon) 3D graphic to the default orientation.
Palettes can be configured to remember their previous states across front end sessions. This is useful for palettes containing multiple expandable sections, tab views, ...
If you want to do simple operations on Mathematica notebooks, then you will usually find it convenient just to use the interactive capabilities of the standard Mathematica ...
Version 6.0 greatly extended Mathematica's powerful symbolic document paradigm, integrating support for editable symbolic graphics, structure-programmable table layouts, ...
Mathematica 7 enhances the Mathematica notebook experience in several ways, with new convenient usability features, new levels of automation for the form and structure of ...
FlipView[{expr_1, expr_2}] represents an object which flips between displaying expr_1 and expr_2 each time it is clicked.FlipView[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] cyclically flips ...
Front View sets the view point for the selected (or clicked upon) 3D graphic to the default front orientation.