(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 22C6. Alias: Esc star Esc. Infix operator. x ⋆ y is by default interpreted as Star[x,y]. Used to denote convolution and generalized forms of multiplication. ...
Unicode: 227B. Infix ordering operator. x ≻ y is by default interpreted as Succeeds[x,y]. Used in mathematics to indicate various notions of partial ordering. Often applied ...
Unicode: 2248. Alias: Esc ~~ Esc. Infix similarity operator. x ≈ y is by default interpreted as TildeTilde[x,y]. Used for various notions of approximate or asymptotic ...
Unicode: 2122. Alias: Esc tm Esc. Letter-like form. Used to indicate a trademark that may not be registered. Typically used only on the first occurrence of a trademark in a ...
Unicode: 22C0. Alias: Esc ^ Esc. Infix operator. x ⋀ y is by default interpreted as Wedge[x,y]. Used to mean wedge or exterior product and other generalized antisymmetric ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Uniform sequence of bits. Binary data format.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) GRIB scientific data file format. Self-describing format for exchanging scientific data. Commonly used in meteorology to store historical and forecast weather data. ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Uniform sequence of signed 8-bit integers. Binary data format.
Sequence of unsigned 64-bit integers. Raw binary format. Equivalent to the Byte format.