Unicode: F74A. Alias: Esc gg Esc. Letter-like form. Not by default assigned any interpretation in StandardForm. Interpreted as EulerGamma in TraditionalForm. Not the same as ...
Unicode: F749. Alias: Esc pp Esc. Letter-like form. Not by default assigned any interpretation. Not the same as \[Pi].
Unicode: 21D0. Alias: Esc ␣<= Esc. Infix arrow operator. x ⇐ y is by default interpreted as DoubleLeftArrow[x,y]. Extensible character. Esc <= Esc is the alias for ...
Unicode: 21D4. Alias: Esc <=> Esc. Infix arrow operator. x ⇔ y is by default interpreted as DoubleLeftRightArrow[x,y]. Used in mathematics to indicate logical equivalence. ...
Unicode: 2225. Alias: Esc ␣|| Esc. Infix operator. x ∥ y is by default interpreted as DoubleVerticalBar[x,y]. Used in mathematics to indicate that x exactly divides y. Used ...
Unicode: 011B. Alias: Esc ev Esc. Letter. Included in ISO Latin-2.
Unicode: 2208. Aliases: Esc el Esc, Esc elem Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x ∈ y is by default interpreted as Element[x,y]. Not the same as \[Epsilon].
Unicode: 25E6. Alias: Esc esci Esc. Letter-like form. Not the same as the infix operator \[SmallCircle]. Used as an overscript to add ring diacritical marks.
Unicode: 25A1. Alias: Esc esq Esc. Letter-like form. Not the same as the operator \[Square]. Not the same as \[Placeholder].
Unicode: 25B3. Letter-like form. Used in geometry to indicate a triangle, as in the symbol △ABC. Not the same as \[CapitalDelta].