Sequence of 16-bit characters. Raw binary format.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: model/x-pov POV-Ray 3D scene description language and format. Used for storing 3D models and scene descriptions. Native file format of the POV-Ray raytracing ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME types: text/directory, text/x-vcard vCard personal data format. Commonly used in email and personal information management applications and on mobile devices. Standard ...
Automatic Grouping automatically creates hierarchical cell groups on the basis of cell style.
File Path opens a dialog to select and paste the full pathname of a file into the text at the insertion point.
Output from Above copies the contents of the nearest preceding output cell.
Page Break inserts a page break at the horizontal I-beam.
Show Ruler toggles ruler display along the top of a notebook.
Text Justification controls justification of cells with word wrapping.