$OperatingSystem is a string giving the type of operating system under which Mathematica is being run.
In many computations you are concerned only with the final result of evaluating the expression given as input. But sometimes you also want to collect expressions that were ...
Introduction General Graph Drawing Hierarchical Drawing of Directed Graphs
"Interrupting Calculations" describes how you can interrupt a Mathematica computation by pressing appropriate keys on your keyboard. In some cases, you may want to simulate ...
This package contains functions that give geometrical characteristics of regular polygons. Polygons are identified by name (Digon, Decagon, etc.) in function arguments and in ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Registered MIME type: audio/basic AU audio format. Used for digital audio in computer and telecommunication systems and on the web. Supports a variety of audio codecs, ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Registered MIME type: audio/basic SND audio format. Used for digital audio in computer and telecommunication systems and on the web. Supports a variety of audio codecs, ...
GridCreationSettings -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is a global option that specifies settings for the Create Table/Matrix dialog.
IncidenceMatrix[g] gives the vertex-edge incidence matrix of the graph g.