"Defining Functions" discusses how you can define functions in Mathematica. In a typical case, you would type in f[x_]=x^2 to define a function f. (Actually, the definitions ...
Registered MIME type: video/quicktime Apple QuickTime file format. Multimedia container format. Commonly used for archiving and exchanging video content. Stores audio and ...
When you make a definition in the form f[args]=rhs or f[args]:=rhs, Mathematica associates your definition with the object f. This means, for example, that such definitions ...
Constructing matrices with special shapes. This creates a matrix of 0s containing a radius 4 diamond of 1s. The result is a 9×9 matrix. The size of the matrix can be ...
GetEdgeLabels[g] returns the list of labels of the edges of g. GetEdgeLabels[g, e] returns the list of labels in graph g of the edges in e.
GetEdgeWeights[g] returns the list of weights of the edges of g. GetEdgeWeights[g, e] returns the list of weights in graph g of the edges in e.
GetVertexLabels[g] returns the list of labels of vertices of g. GetVertexLabels[g, v] returns the list of labels in graph g of the vertices specified in list v.
GetVertexWeights[g] returns the list of weights of vertices of g. GetVertexWeights[g, v] returns the list of weights in graph g of the vertices in v.
RankBinarySubset[l, s] gives the rank of subset s of set l in the ordering of subsets of l, obtained by interpreting these subsets as binary string representations of ...
RankKSetPartition[sp, s] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of s. RankSetPartition[sp] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of the set of ...