(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Center is a symbol that represents the center for purposes of alignment and positioning.
CityData["name", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the city with the specified name.CityData["name"] gives a list of the full specifications of ...
ContraharmonicMean[list] gives the contraharmonic mean of the values in list.ContraharmonicMean[list, p] gives the order p Lehmer contraharmonic mean.
CornerNeighbors is an option for various array and image processing functions that specifies whether diagonally adjacent corners should be considered neighbors of particular ...
CounterFunction is an option for counters that specifies the symbols used to display the value of the counter.
DefaultFormatType is an option for cells that specifies the format used for displaying expressions in a newly created cell.
DefaultInlineFormatType is an option for cells that specifies the format used for displaying expressions in a newly created inline cell.
x /= c divides x by c and returns the new value of x.
FileNameDepth["file"] gives the number of path elements in the file name " file".
FinancialData["name"] gives the last known price or value for the financial entity specified by " name".FinancialData["name", start] gives a list of dates and daily closing ...