Integrated into the Mathematica system are powerful functions for analyzing large volumes of discrete and integer data—often conveniently specified using Mathematica's ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArgMin[f, x] gives a position x_min at which f is minimized.ArgMin[f, {x, y, ...}] gives a position {x_min, y_min, ...} at which f is minimized.ArgMin[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...}] ...
Unicode: F431. Alias: Esc == Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x y is by default interpreted as Equal[x,y] or x==y. \[Equal] is drawn longer than ...
All textual and graphical forms in Mathematica are ultimately represented in terms of nested collections of boxes. Typically the elements of these boxes correspond to objects ...
Complicated algebraic expressions can usually be written in many different ways. Mathematica provides a variety of functions for converting expressions from one form to ...
Extension is an option for various polynomial and algebraic functions that specifies generators for the algebraic number field to be used.
AlgebraicNumberNorm[a] gives the norm of the algebraic number a.
LinearRecurrence[ker, init, n] gives the sequence of length n obtained by iterating the linear recurrence with kernel ker starting with initial values ...
PowerMod[a, b, m] gives a^b mod m. PowerMod[a, -1, m] finds the modular inverse of a modulo m.PowerMod[a, 1/r, m] finds a modular r\[Null]^th root of a.