(Graph Utilities Package Symbol) MinCut[g, k] partitions the undirected graph g into k parts where the number of edge cuts is approximately minimized.
PageRanks[g] give the page rank of the graph g as a rule list.
MeanDifferenceTest[list_1, list_2, \[CapitalDelta]\[Mu]_0] performs a test with null hypothesis \[Mu]_1 - \[Mu]_2 = \[CapitalDelta]\[Mu]_0.
VarianceRatioTest[list_1, list_2, r] performs a test with null hypothesis \[Sigma]_1 2/\[Sigma]_2 2 = r.
In addition to providing a comprehensive environment for calculations and a programming language, Mathematica is also a system for representing and presenting scientific and ...
Mathematica allows you to customize your 2D and 3D graphics through a variety of options.
MIME type: text/xmlMathematica ExpressionML format. Represents an arbitrary Mathematica expression as XML. Used for the exchange of general expressions between Mathematica ...
EdgeLabels is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies what labels and label positions should be used for edges.
FindShortestPath[g, s, t] finds the shortest path from source vertex s to target vertex t in the graph g.FindShortestPath[g, s, All] generates a ShortestPathFunction[...] ...
GraphicsRow[{g_1, g_2, ...}] generates a graphic in which the g_i are laid out in a row.GraphicsRow[list, spacing] leaves the specified spacing between successive elements.