DiscretePlot[expr, {n, n_max}] generates a plot of the values of expr when n runs from 1 to n_max.DiscretePlot[expr, {n, n_min, n_max}] generates a plot of the values of expr ...
This document describes how to compile and run MathLink programs written in the C language on Mac OS X systems. ("MathLink and External Program Communication" describes how ...
(Numerical Calculus Package Symbol) NResidue[expr, {z, z_0}] numerically finds the residue of expr near the point z = z_0.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Arrow[{pt_1, pt_2}] is a graphics primitive that represents an arrow from pt_1 to pt_2.Arrow[{pt_1, pt_2}, s] represents an arrow with its ends set back from pt_1 and pt_2 by ...
RotationTransform[\[Theta]] gives a TransformationFunction that represents a rotation in 2D by \[Theta] radians about the origin.RotationTransform[\[Theta], p] gives a 2D ...
SinghMaddalaDistribution[q, a, b] represents the Singh\[Dash]Maddala distribution with shape parameters q and a and scale parameter b.
(Numerical Calculus Package Symbol) ND[expr, x, x_0] gives a numerical approximation to the derivative of expr with respect to x at the point x_0.ND[expr, {x, n}, x_0] gives a numerical approximation to the ...
GraphPlot[{v i 1 -> v j 1, v i 2 -> v j 2, ...}] generates a plot of the graph in which vertex v_ik is connected to vertex v_jk.GraphPlot[{{v i 1 -> v j 1, lbl_1}, ...}] ...
ProbabilityDistribution[pdf, {x, x_min, x_max}] represents the continuous distribution with PDF pdf in the variable x where the pdf is taken to be zero for x < x_min and x > ...
InverseGammaDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents an inverse gamma distribution with shape parameter \[Alpha] and scale parameter ...